Tattoo Aftercare

  • Remove Second Skin-style bandage in the shower within 24-72 hours. Regular bandaging should be worn for 6-14 hours, ideally kept on overnight.

  • Once your bandage is removed, gently wash your tattoo with unscented soap and warm water.

  • Keep your tattoo clean and dry for the next two weeks. Do not pick or scratch or submerge in water.

  • Itching is normal. Use a small amount of unscented moisturizer on cleaned skin as necessary, but do not keep your tattoo too wet.

  • If you develop a fever, chills, increasing pain, excessive swelling, or your tattoo is unusually warm to the touch, contact a doctor. Infections are rare but they can happen.

  • I’m always happy to help with any questions, so don’t hesitate to reach out!